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Monday, April 19, 2010

The Fourth Tournament's Dramatic Conclusion

This is an assignment in my Digital Imaging (Photoshop) class. It is depicting a possible final conclusion to the Tournament Saga!

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Tournament Saga: The Unforseeable Outcome

This was my final project for my Observational Drawing class at the Art Institute of Utah. It was massive so I had to scan it in piece by piece.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

"You all seek something. What you may find, instead, is entirely something else." - Master

"The Tournament is unlike anything you've yet experienced. Passed down through the generations, only the noblest, the nimblest, the swiftest, the most agile, the most determined, the strongest, and most talented of warriors have participated for the glory of victory."

"The rules are thus. I will daily create a schedule of my choosing which will pit each of you against the others. The victor will have the privilege of facing me. If I am defeated, the champion will gain all they see; the palace, the kingdom, the treasure, and the title of Master. Four days will determine the outcome."

"The combat you face here will be more than your battles in the ring. The associations amongst you will build tension, enough to provide you with the necessary thirst for blood. Despite that tension no end must come to any combatant until their roles in the Tournament have been extinguished. This is expressly forbidden."

"But once you loose in the ring your life is void."

"And now, a taste of what you shall prepare for..." - Master

The Second Tournament Cast


Abaddon walks into the gym and watches as Sky fights the punching bag with aggression and anger. She uses her metal-tipped fingernails to slash at the bag. She does not notice him at first and continues to fight. Her beauty and aggressive behavior charm him. He watches with one hand on his hip and the other holding his ax over his shoulder until she slashes at the bag and rips it open. The bag falls apart in shreds, and breathing heavily, she turns to the weights. Abaddon starts to applaud her as she turns to face him.
Abaddon: Truly a worthy display of strength. You are fit to be mine!
Saying nothing, but seeing this as the perfect chance to strike, she stalks forward, feeling his blood on her fingers already.
Abaddon: That's right, my sweet cup of pleasure. You know you are to be mine.
She straps on her hand axes and makes sure they are on tight as she approaches him. He is ready for a happy romp, not expecting what's to come. She attacks at his throat, slashing with her hand ax in a ridge hand strike but he blocks it easily. She attacks the same way from the other direction but he steps back a bit. She drives her foot into his midsection, throwing him back a bit. She then launches herself at him and slashes down from above to give him a permanent haircut but this time he blocks it with his ax.
Abaddon: So, you wanna play before we fight? I can raise your temperature...
Locking his large ax into her hand's axes, he turns and throws her almost the full length of the gym mat. She stumbles on both feet, almost getting knocked to the ground. She breathes deeply out.
Sky Landlark: Focus... get it right...
She runs at him and jumps as he swings with his ax to minimize her height. She flies over his ax and swings at his head again as she flips in the air over him. Dual locks of hair fall down to the mat besides him as she finishes her aerial and lands in a backstance. Abaddon grimaces at her with an unsatisfied frown.
Abaddon: Your name, if I may?
Sky Landlark: Call me what you wish.
Abaddon: In another moment, it'll be 'corpse!'
He rushes at her and she underestimates his speed. He buts her with the flat side of her ax like a baseball ball and sends her flying. She smacks against the far side of the wall and slumps down. She looks up as he comes flying at her, his ax raised high to cleave her in two. She rolls out underneath his legs as the ax carves a chunk out of the wall. He spins to face her and receives a spinning roundhouse kick to the face. It seems to do nothing to him as he advances on her still. She kicks him 3 more times but it does not slow him down. She pretends to trip and he raises his ax to silence her.
Abaddon: A pity, I saw you as more.
She rolls underneath his legs again, slicing with her hand axes as she goes. He spins to face her as his belt, now loosed of it's belt, falls around his ankles.
Sky Landlark: And more is what I am.
He laughs out loud, guffawing, as he drops his ax to re-secure his pants. She takes the opportunity to try and strike at his head four times but he still simply bats the attacks away until his pants are re-secured. A plowing kick to her midsection throws her back onto the mat and his net quickly traps her in place. She attempts to retaliate by throwing out small mats with nails embedded in them but he knocks them aside as he approaches her.
Abaddon: And I thought you weren't serious about getting a little crazy. Grateful you proved me wrong.
He reaches down and grabs her by the back of her hair through the net. She struggles to free herself, to no avail.
Abaddon: And I always... get what I want.
He pulls her close to him to kiss her. She reaches back with rage dripping on her face and her metal fingernails poised to strike at his throat. She then lunges to kill him but Tyrant suddenly blocks her hand with a small kick.
Tyrant: Not very polite. Master requested that no deaths are to come until after the trial of the Tournament.
He then pulls the net off of Sky which allows her to retreat from Abaddon, gritting her teeth in anger.
Abaddon: Get your own, and allow me mine, bold dog.
Sky yells at Abaddon, mad.
Sky Landlark: You selfish, ruthless maniac! I'll never belong to such a cold hearted villain as yourself.
She starts to leave when Tyrant suddenly kicks her in the stomach. She doesn't see it coming and falls back onto the mat. She rolls out quickly and comes up into a defensive stance, hand axes at the ready.
Abaddon: Your games will only make her weary. Then she is no good to me!
Sky Landlark: What was the meaning of that?
In control, Tyrant folds his arms and smiles.
Tyrant: A test. To see if you are worthy prey.
He motions to the punching bag
Tyrant: A strong display of power. But can you defend yourself against a moving, and armed, target?
In a flash Isken's knives come into his hand's play. She breathes heavily, pushing the pain away from her.
Sky Landlark: I require another test to know for certain.
Tyrant grins wide and drops his arms in a formal bow.
Tyrant: I'm honored to provide.
Tyrant lunges forward and Sky is forced to defend herself.
Abaddon: Find your own! This one is mine!
Abaddon backhand's Tyrant before he can reach Sky. Tyrant is agile enough to twist the attack into a flip and land on his feet. Abaddon swings his ax at Sky, who is forced to duck. Abaddon grabs her around the back of the head and tries to kiss her again. She kicks off of his chest to get away and he grabs her hair. With her hand ax she slices through his thick clothes to his wrist, making him drop her again.
Abaddon: The blood of battle runs deep in you, sweet miss.
She slices at him again, furiously with her hand axes.
Sky Landlark: It's Mrs!
Sky jumps up and rushes at Abaddon again, who only laughs as he fights off her attacks. As she comes close to him with her axes he actually steps into her, making her attack pointless. He is able to steal a quick kiss from her before, screaming, she kicks off of him again and slices at his eyes. He retreats just as quickly before she can advance again. She does advance to attack and he quickly hooks her leg with his ax. He throws her towards Tyrant, who is coming back at the larger man. Tyrant roundhouse kicks her from the air, causing her to go tumbling again.
Tyrant: Allowing your emotions to control you is only favored in passionate battles. In warfare there is no place for it.
Tyrant jump kicks at Abaddon again but he blocks him with his large ax. Tyrant then quickly dodges three fast slashes from Abaddon's ax. Every time Abaddon slashes at Tyrant he subtlety slices at his hands. Abaddon slashes at a dodging Tyrant, then lets out a backhand which nearly takes Tyrant's head off. Abaddon is forced to stop and step back, shaking the pain from the sliver-like slashes in his hands.
Abaddon: Cut that out!
Seeing stars, Tyrant grins evilly.
Tyrant: My pleasure.
He then dives forward and buries both knives into Abaddon's midsection, forcing him to bend over. Abaddon twists about, throwing Tyrant away like a rag doll as well. Tyrant easily comes to his feet to see Abaddon stand upright and grabs the knives from his protective, thick folds of clothes.
Abaddon: An old Turk trick.
He then throws the knives out the entrance, outside.
Abaddon: And for you...
He never gets to finish his forward advance towards Tyrant when Sky comes flying to land on his back, both hand axes plunging deep into his thick, hide coverings. It's enough to make the giant man howl out loud. He reaches back and grabs her.
Abaddon: Bold, and fearless. I like that in a woman!
Again throws her at Tyrant. This time Tyrant grabs her and spins around, allowing him to throw her back at Abaddon. Abaddon catches her and launches her high into the air behind him. In the air, Sky grabs her nail mats and throws them out to land behind Abaddon.
Tyrant: How do you like it in your enemy?
Tyrant then jumps forward and plows another flying leap kick into the larger man, throwing him back so that Abaddon lands straight on Sky's nail mat. He lets out another howl as he scrambles to his feet, trying to pull the weapons from his tender back and backside. Tyrant wastes no time striding towards him and in 3 powerful, deadly combination attacks Abaddon drops down. Sky lands on her feet as Tyrant collects his knives and the two of them stride towards each other.
They quickly saber clash, attacking with their fast blades when Tyrant finds an opening and drops a fast kick to her temple. She tries to recover and they saber clash some more. Tyrant throws her off her feet with a quick foot sweep and as she tries to get up he kicks once to one of her wrists, then again to the second, opening her defenses. He stops, hovering over her with his crossed knives positioned like scissors to slice her tender, white neck open.
Sky Landlark: You said no deaths were to come until after the trial of the Tournament.
Tyrant steps back, spins his knives like 6-shooters, and slips them into their sheaths.
Tyrant: You are correct. And so I will be on my way.
He walks to the exit, batting his forehead lightly with a towel.
Tyrant: Now I know, neither of you are worthy to face me in the ring.
Laughing, he throws the towel onto Abaddon and walks out. Beaten and hurt, Sky stands up, leaving Abaddon groaning on the floor. She kicks him once in the face and then hurries as best as she is able after Tyrant. Abaddon then collapses.

The Third Tournament Cast

Scene 72 – the Tombs

Isken and Abaddon are in the Tombs, guarding it. Isken is sitting on a stone rail, whittling a stick with his newly acquired knives. Abaddon is longingly gazing at Beauty's grave-shelf and fidgeting with his weapon; a large, brute morning star.
Isken Diskull: Relax, ya stuffed turkey. You'll see her soon enough.
Abaddon glowers back at him.
Abaddon: And you.
Isken finishes whittling a throwing blade made of wood and he hurls it at the urn listed as “Tirossh.” It bounces harmlessly off.
Isken Diskull: You can 'ave her. I'm after fresher meat.
Abaddon: So quick to discard, after you've fought for her for so long?
Isken Diskull: The well's run dry. Besides, she's a bad luck charm. So keep her to yourself, if you like.
He leans back on the stone railing he's sitting on. Abaddon is disgusted at him.
Abaddon: Don't show too much restraint.
Isken perks up.
Isken Diskull: And 'ere they come.
Abaddon pulls out his weapon.
Abaddon: As enemies...
Without moving Isken vanishes, turning invisible. Abaddon is not so able and is forced to blend into the darkened shadows behind one of the grave-shelves. Emerald and Beauty enter into the Tombs. Beauty notices her husband's grave-shelf, Abaddon, missing his form. He watches her from the shadows, gazing upon her beauty and feeling bad that he chose joining Shipter over her. Beauty looks at all the empty grave-shelves, unhappy.
Beauty: All the empty spaces... even Asho... gone. How am I to supply Master with worthy warriors now?
Emerald: Will this one do?
She points to Tirossh's urn but Beauty's face is twisted with frustration.
Beauty: I have not the power. All that remains are the Landlarks.
She pulls out the magic book when her eyes glow bright white. She starts to chant the same spell that Isha Mael Gamoka did to bring Shipter back. She then turns around and looks right through the dark at Abaddon's form. Her looking right at him is a bit of a blow to him.
Beauty: Draw your weapon.
Without questioning she does and faces against Beauty's back.
Beauty: We are not alone.
Isken's voice: Rightchuare, sweet thing!
Emerald looks up as Isken materializes from thin air on top of Beauty, both knives outstretched to stab her through. Beauty is not surprised at his appearing.
Beauty: Hold them off!
Emerald jumps in front of him. She is able to block both downward thrusts but Isken curls himself up into a flipping roll and uses his body as a hurling weapon. Emerald falls to the ground as Isken flips backwards in a tucking flip, landing right on his feet back on the stone wall.
Isken Diskull: And I brought a playmate! Grab her, Abaddon!
Emerald looks up as Abaddon's large hand reaches from the shadows and grabs onto Emerald's face, hoisting her up off of her feet. Behind her, Beauty is focusing to revitalize both Landlarks. Her hands are outstretched and starting to glow like Shipter's was before when he brought Isken and Abaddon back. Unlike Shipter, she's not having as much luck as he did. She is starting to sweat and is shaking.
Beauty: Emerald! Use the Tablet!
Emerald stares through Abaddon's big fingers as he pulls back his weapon. Both of her hands are on the top of his head.
Abaddon: Hope you're hungry. Because I brought enough to feed your belly to the end of your life.
As he swings at her she vanishes and appears to hit nothing.
Abaddon: Vanished!
Emerald's voice: Not so much as you would hope.
She then reappears, still being held by Abaddon but with her feet standing on Abaddon's weapon, pushing it away from her body.
Abaddon: Of all the dirty...
Emerald pulls a throwing knife and quick slice later he releases her. Beauty's hands glow even more as Isken prepares for another jump.
Isken Diskull: Sorry, love, but no more takers!
He jumps at her, spinning in a full flip again with his blades outstretched, and vanishing in midflight. Beauty raises her hands and blast of white light shines out, lighting up his invisible form and blinding him. She kicks up as he flies over, launching him completely overhead. He cries in pain as he looses his concentration and flies past a sparing Emerald and Abaddon and crashes into Shipter Kaal's empty stone grave-shelf.
Beauty: Sorry, love, but I don't agree.
Beauty returns to her task and her hands light up full force, continuing to chant. Just as she's about to put on the finishing touch Emerald sails through the air behind her, courtesy of a smack from Abaddon. She also slumps against one of the stone walls to the ground. This leaves Abaddon and Beauty alone together. She turns away from him, focusing on her work.
Beauty: You're going to have to kill me to stop me.
Abaddon stands behind her, his weapon raised high. Suddenly, lightening shoots out of her fingertips, striking both Landlark bodies. Lights play all around the room. There is a a small boom and Beauty collapses to the ground. Sky and Legend then both begin to arise by clawing out of their wrappings. Emerald groans, coming to. She spies Beauty and runs to her.
Emerald: Beauty!
She helps Beauty sit up, who points to the Landlarks. Emerald is now staring at them, aghast. Weakly, she speaks.
Beauty: Water, for them, quickly!
Emerald jumps to the task and starts to hand them water but continues to stare at them. Beauty now stands up and looks around. Both Isken and Abaddon are nowhere to be seen. When Legend accepts the pitcher Emerald backs up, scared. Legend lowers the pitcher to speak to Beauty through a pained form.
Legend Landlark: Beauty, we know why you have summoned us…
Beauty: Forgive me, brave souls, but we felt aid was required.
Sky Landlark: With my husband by my side I long to be with our children! Thank you for our return!
Beauty: You are most welcome.
She bows low at the head.
Legend Landlark: Good can come of this situation.
Beauty: Then you will intervene?
Legend Landlark: We will aid you in stopping Shipter’s men.
He is looking around the room now for something or someone. Advisor Bossnion then enters the Tombs.
Advisor Bossnion: Emerald, I'm sorry... but Sho Gahl has been summoned to the arena for the next fight.
Emerald screams.
Emerald: No! He will be killed!
She turns to Beauty.
Emerald: Is there nothing you can do?
Beauty deadpan stares between the two of them, knowing what she must do.
Beauty: Call your match. I will fight in his place.
She gives Emerald a bottle.
Beauty: Have Sho Gahl take this. It will help him.

The Fourth Tournament Heros Cast