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Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Fourth Tournament Villians Cast

Scene – Vision's Camp, lip of the canyon, North

A close up shot of Vision DyFong, as he draws his sword and yells…
Vision DyFong: Attack!
On the other side of their row we can see Tirossh. Between him and Vision are rows and rows of DyFong. Some are mortal but many are restored from the Second Tournament. Tirossh calls out to his side. Nikki is defending Vision's army and Dameon is defending Tirossh's army with their shield abilities. Five of the Madagascar monks are helping defend them.
Tirossh: Attack!

Scene – the Outer Circle, North: the Korean's quarters and main gates

Kwan Jay'nim smiles as the doors open to meet their foes.
Kwan Jay'nim: After all these years...
He points to the oncoming enemy.
Kwan Jay'nim: Kill them.
Standing with him is Ian Kamo, the Scarred One, and Ian Kamo's Girl General. Once again she is dressed in her long, flowing black trench coat and black bodysuit but after being buried in them for a year they are worn down and don't carry the shimmer or style they once did. She now wears low, black, Russian military boots. One finger on her right hand wears her thin knife strapped to the side. She no longer carries her Uzi's and appears to have no weapons. Her long hair flows free past her shoulders and she still wears red lipstick. She peers over her sunglasses and her eyes speak of venom.
Behind them are rows and rows of their Korean assassins restored from the Third Tournament.
Ian Kamo: Death to the invaders!

Scene – Lip of the canyon, Legend's Camp, South

Legend draws his large broadsword and now leads his Scottish army as they rush into battle.
Legend Landlark: He who spills the most blood is the victor!
Sky allows her dual energy axes for form in her hands as well. Sky also charges, yelling and following behind him. Vlad follows up the rear with his large ax held high. Asho is defending Legend's army and Aspen is defending Sky's army. Five more of the Madagascar monks are helping defend them, also.

Scene – the Outer Circle, South: the Turk's quarters and main gates

Several large doors in the main wall of the kingdom suddenly slide open, and hundreds of Turks, led by Abaddon and Isken Diskull, flood out to face them. Like the DyFongs and Ian Kamo's Koreans, some are mortal and some are restored. They are dark, loathsome, and bloodthirsty. They carry long, old rifles and ugly, giant swords, hammers, clubs, and axes. They wear furs, armor, and heavy boots. Their helmets are tipped with horns. The majority of them are almost giants compared to the Korean DyFongs and are screaming war cries. They run out and form a line in groups as Abaddon and Isken Diskull ride out on horseback. Isabelle with with Abaddon and their hands are both still stuck in the gooey energy binds. Abaddon turns to Isken Diskull.
Abaddon: You knew we were to be under attack, you underhanded thief! Now I look the fool!
Isken simply smiles at him.
Isken Diskull: Live with discouragement.
Their bands now fall off of both of them and his ax is returned to him.
Isken Diskull: And fight for your lives.
Smiling, Isken draws his old, wicked looking knives. Abaddon glares at him, then turns to Isabelle, smirking.
Abaddon: You see now why he was banished.
Isabelle Landlark: I would have had him executed.
Abaddon then raises his big, Turk ax and shouts his war cry in anger. The Turk army's teenagers also scream a bloodthirsty cry. Isabelle forms a pair of light, energy swords as Abaddon rides out to face the threat of the Turks. Isken also calls and the Turk army's adults respond in like manner before they also rush towards their enemies.

Scene – The Battle Lands: the battlefield area in the canyon between the kingdom and the Hero’s Camp

For the first time we see the full power of the DyFong Dynasty's army as hundreds of soldiers rush down into the valley on foot and horseback, led by Vision and Legend, each on horseback. With Vision and Tirossh is Captain Syme, previously General, from the First and Second Tournaments. Some are mortal and some are restored. They are each brandishing swords, the short and long sword, and a backup knife. They also wear the battle armor of their country of Korea.
Legend, Sky, and Vlad lead their countrymen into battle, wearing kilts and carrying heavy or large weapons. The men in the Scottish army are almost as large as the Turks but not as bulky. They carry shields, axes, broadsword, and maces. Their long hair is tied in some places with braids, even in their beards. Some wear helmets or armor. Some of their horses are also armored.
Asho's Madagascar monks are in the thick with them fighting with various weapons and Yuttash Fear dust. They work to protect the DyFong from attack. Asho and Aspen both use their abilities to shield their armies from attack but also fight at the same time. They swarm into the valley, each one cheering at the tops of their lungs.
In equal majesty the sun peaks up over the horizon in the east, behind the kingdom, which silhouettes against it like a black blade. The sky is still dark above their heads with red, swirling clouds.
Both armies rush at each other, like living waves, ready to crash upon each other. Their swords are raised high, their lungs shout in determined tones and their feet fly towards their own peril.
Legend, Sky, and Vlad spy Abaddon and Isken Diskull. They ride their horses towards them to face them. They draw their swords, each one glaring at each other. They then reach each other and they all leap from their mounts to strike at each other with their blades in midair. The blades all crash together but no one is the victor. They all land back on their horses as they sweep past each other, striking at each other's army members. They then stop and turn to face their enemies.
The two armies then crash into each other and the battle begins! As the armies crash together, the three groups of combatants are cut off from each other.

Scene – Various Russian weapon systems in Master Shipter's kingdom/Walkway to the Russian control room

“Iron” Fyst turns and yells in anger.
“Iron” Fyst: Wake the mortal technicians! No one will sleep or be energized until all the weapons are operational!

Scene – The Battle Lands, Legend's army, South

The mortal Scottish armies clash against the mortal and restored Turks, who fight back with their swords and rifles. The Scottish armies as equally as strong as the Turks but with all their strength they can do only little damage to the restored Turk barbarians. The Scots are piling up around on the ground quickly like fallen heaps of garbage. Swords clash in terrible conflict as rifles fire all around. It is a grizzly scene.

Scene - The Inner Circle

“Iron” Fyst watches helplessly as the opposing armies mercilessly fight against each other. His Russians are firing into the crowd, trying to hit the DyFong and Scottish army.
“Iron” Fyst: Hold your fire! They are out of range and may only injure the our armies! Get back to work!
He whispers to himself.
“Iron” Fyst: Those vagabond fools must hold them off until our guns are repaired.
As he works he gazes up in anger at Master Shipter’s palace throne room windows.

Scene – The Battle Lands, Legend's army, South

Legend's horse runs through the air, charging down to crush entire groups of Turk warriors. Vlad and Sky both fly through the air on their own, ripping Turk warriors to ribbons before returning to their own horses. Legend, Sky, and Vlad are facing Abaddon and Isken. Legend looks around to see the Scottish army fighting so close to their enemies. He yells to Sky.
Legend Landlark: Get our soldiers back! Then we can deal with these two.
She turns to yell to their men.
Sky Landlark: Fall back! Fall back!
Isabelle then falls down from the sky to land before her mother.
Isabelle Landlark: Hope it's not past curfew.
Vlad now steps forward.
Vlad Landlark: I will deal with my sister-dear.
Isken nods to Sky.
Isken Diskull: Let's play. It'll be fun.
Sky Landlark: Never come between a mother and her children.
Abaddon stands as Isken rocks back and forth, from one foot to the other, ready to fight. All around them the Korean soldiers retreat and the Turks try to chase them down.
Abaddon: Yes, long have you hunted me.
Legend Landlark: And now I'll kill you.
Vlad Landlark: You betrayed us!
Isabelle Landlark: And you abandoned us!
The horses underneath Legend, Sky, Vlad, Isken, and Abaddon suddenly teleport through the ground so that the combatants are all standing on the ground.

Scene - The Master's Throne Room

The Master now smiles, wide, and whispers with grim anxiety...
The Master: Fight! Luptati-va!

Fight 1: Legend, Sky, & Vlad vs. Isken Diskull, Abaddon, and Isabelle.

Isabelle and Vlad instantly launch into the sky, intent to take their fight to the skies. Isken bounds, spinning, at Sky with Abaddon charging close behind. Sky steps back into a defensive stance as Legend relaxes into a fighting position. Isken attacks Legend first, throwing one of his knives at Legend before he reaches him. The knife flies at the big ex-Turk, who dodges out of the way, putting his head in perfect attacking position of Isken's second knife. Isken strikes at his head but it is blocked by one of Sky's energy axes. Isken then punches Sky, who falls into the path of Abaddon's giant, slashing ax. Sky bends over backwards from the fall, catching herself with one hand while Legend blocks Abbadon's attack with his broadsword. Sky then kicks her leg out and around, allowing her to float/spin on her one hand and foot-sweep Abaddon. She spins/floats to his feet and slashes her axes at the fallen Abaddon, who floats backwards out of the way to his feet.
Legend is slashing like mad, trying to hit Isken Diskull, who is a blur of dodging movement. As he dodges, Isken holds out his hand, and the knife he had thrown comes back to him on an impact course to Legend's back. Legend sees his outstretched hand and spins in time to deflect the charging knife with his sword. Isken then stabs, forcing Legend to spin back to deflect him. Isken's thrown knife returns to his hand. The two circle each other, eyeing each other with hate. Isken then throws his knives straight up into the air and leaps at Legend. Legend raises the sword to skew him, but then slashes up at the knives diving down at him. He succeeds in smashing the knives away, but is kicked in the chest by Isken, who had an energy-punch attached to his kick. Legend goes flying to the ground as Isken bounds back from kicking him in the chest and his knives return to him. Legend teleports through the ground so that he can rise back to his feet, ready to face him again. Isken's knives fly into the air and spin around him while he holds his hands at his sides, palms out and ready to attack.
Isabelle continues to fly at Vlad, who is also flying at her. They are both shooting fireballs at each other. As their fireballs reach each other they deflect them away from each other with their weapons. Vlad actually deflects Isabelle's fireballs back at her, forcing her to fly in spiral circles and flips to avoid her own volley.
They pass by each other and their blades begin striking like lightening. Instead of racing by each other they spiral in circles, flip around and over, and circle each other as they continue to strike. Their fight is an aerial display of weapon combat.
They saber clash as they chase and dive through the air. As Vlad strikes as Isabelle swings her energy blade down at his head. She dissipates her weapon to catch his ax blade firmly between the flat of her hands' palms. Isabelle's leg flashes out with an aerial roundhouse, energy-kicking him in the face. Isabelle releases his ax blade as Vlad flies back. Isabelle dives after after him, relighting her energy swords. Vlad catches his falling momentum by spinning around in midair and strikes Isabelle against her armor. Now Isabelle is spinning out of control and Vlad is diving on the offensive. He brings his ax blade up in time to deflect Isabelle's fireball attacks and also dodge them. He crashes into her and they peel away from each other, flying around the sky like obsessive fireflies. They saber clash and Isabelle uses both blades the deflect her brothers slashing attack. While Vlad is 'off balance' Isabelle leaps/flies to broadside Vlad with a crushing kick. Vlad dives/flips back to avoid Isabelle's attack and she flies over him. Vlad turns to look down behind him as Legend and Sky are fighting with Isken Diskull and Abaddon. Suddenly Isabelle comes flying right back up at him.
Sky and Abaddon are still fighting with their axes flying like lightening. Abaddon, with his big bulky frame, is having a hard time keeping up with Sky's intense style. Abaddon takes a wild swing and Sky bends backwards and side steps around the swing to come up behind him. Sky then swings to strike him but Abaddon has swung all the way around to face her and blocks the attack. Sky suddenly lets her axes dissipate and energy-punches Abaddon in the chest. She follows up with a chasing fireball, which hits him in the chest. Abaddon goes flying backwards as Sky reignites her energy axes. Abaddon smashes into Isken as he's about to attack and the two of them tumble to the ground. Legend takes the moment to plunge his Scottish broadsword into the ground and hold out his hand. A big sword sword of a fallen Turk warrior flies to his hands to now arm him with two gigantic swords. Isken stands while Abaddon rises to his feet as Sky flies into the air after them. They both look up to see Sky diving down at them. Isken jumps up to face her as Legend speed-blurs to Abaddon and hits him with his armored shoulder, knocking him back to the ground. Isken blocks Sky's downward sword attack, and spins, in the air, over her back and energy-punch-kicks her in the back. Sky comes flying down to the ground from Isken's energy-punch and smashes into Legend.
They both look up to see Abaddon strike down at them. They both block and kick/energy-punch at him with their feet, throwing him up into the air to smash into Isken, who is coming down. They roll/float up to their feet as Abaddon and Isken float/fall to their feet and prepare to fight again.
As Isabelle is flying back to attack Vlad she sends a volley of lightening towards Vlad. One volley hits Vlad in the face to blind him. To counter this, Vlad throws his ax at her, which absorbs all of her lightening's power. Isabelle spins/ducks the spinning blade to avoid it but Vlad controls the ax to whip back around and strike her in the back. Struck by her own lightening and the ax Isabelle falls back through the air, taking Vlad's weapon with her. Vlad tries to pull the weapon from her hands but she has extinguished her blades to carry his weapon with her. Vlad dives down through the air after her as she subtly heals herself. Vlad is unable to stop himself and flies straight into her awaiting energy-punch uppercut. Vlad is launched back into the air in a painful display of anti-gravity power. Vlad manages to right/control himself and again Isabelle is standing before him. Isabelle is smiling as they circle each other in midair. His ax is now in her hands. She looks to her brother, who seems to be smiling as well.
Isabelle Landlark: It appears I hold your angle.
Vlad Landlark: But not the advantage.
Holding out his hand Vlad's ax twists in her hands to lock her wrist in the ax's guard. Vlad then controls his ax to fly around through the air, even more crazily than they've been flying. Vlad follows after, directing the ax to follow along the same path so that Vlad can energy-uppercut her free from his weapon. Dazed, Isabelle falls to the ground. Not willing to fall for the same trick Vlad follows after but keeps his distance. As Isabelle is reaching the ground she comes to long enough to realize she is falling. She also suddenly sees the fight between Isken, Abaddon, Vlad, and Sky. Reaching out, she plummets down towards them even faster with Vlad following behind.
Sky and Isken are saber-clashing with their dual, bladed weapons. Sky swings both axes at Isken; one at the chest and one at his head. Isken, now, sees Isabelle flying down at them. Isken blocks both blades and releases his hold his knives to allow them to float in midair. He then pivots forward and plows his a double heel-palm into Sky’s open stance with an energy punch. Sky is hurt now as she flies backwards into Isabelle's oncoming flight.
Abaddon attacks, swinging his large ax at Legend's head. Legend ducks, forcing Isken Diskull to block Abaddon's wild attack. Legend punches Abaddon with the blunt ends of both blades to either side of the head with energy-punches attached to both of them. Abaddon doesn't go anywhere but the shaking of the attack is enough to drive him to the ground. Legend then attacks them both, swinging one sword each at both of their heads.
Isken sped-blurs out of his range as Isabelle swoops down and blocks the swipe meant for Abaddon to defend him. Isabelle impales her mother with her energy sword through her shoulder armor and drags her across the battlefield. Abaddon then recuperates and punches the ground, sending a shockwave blast and throws Legend into the air. Isabelle throws Sky into Legend and the two collapse to the ground. Legend is disoriented as Vlad flies down, stopping to inspect Sky's wound. Light is pouring out of it and she appears to be almost bathed in light. As they talk the war continues on around them as a background.
Vlad Landlark: Mother!
Sky responds through clenched teeth.
Sky Landlark: Stop... her... my son...
Gritting his own teeth he flies off after her. Legend is not willing to let her go.
Legend Landlark: I will not leave you.
With her strength she pushes him away.
Sky Landlark: You must... to save us all...

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